Fishing: It's a Family Affair

For ALFA Executive Director, Linda Behnken, fishing is a family affair. Linda's son has been fishing with her since he was five months old and she can tell its in his blood. "He wants to be at the rail as each and every hook comes aboard so he can see the fish and help land them."

Linda worries about the world she is leaving her son and is speaking out about what we can do to make a change.

"Our generation is leaving a frightening legacy to our kids. Accelerating climate change and spiraling impacts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the ocean. Warm water dropping the ocean’s productivity and starving birds and fish. Empty hooks. Worried fishermen and struggling communities. Not the ocean – or world – I want my son or anyone else to inherit.

So, what can we do? First, commit to addressing climate change. Even slowing down the rate of change in the ocean and atmosphere will help; reversing the trend would be even better. Support Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s ocean acidification bill and Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan’s marine plastics bill and urge them to turn research into meaningful action."

To read the full article click here.